- Performance art is a form of arts practice that involves a person or persons undertaking an action or actions within a particular time frame in a particular space or location in front of an audience
- Defining Characteristic of Performing Arts: The body- considered primary medium and conceptual material performing arts is based on
- Dance, music, literature, architecture, fashion, design and film are other mediums used in performance art
- Performances can range from small scale dramas to solo performances
- Performing arts refer to theater, dance, opera, and circus
- Difference between performing arts and performance arts:
- Performing: "Making not Faking"
- Actual car windows are broken, real bullets are shot, and skin is really sunburned
- Not illusions but actual bodily experiences
- Performance: Opposite of performing
- Made to use cross overs, similarities, and illusions
- Photography: Drawing with light
- Photography comes from the greek form photo meaning light and graph meaning draw
- It is evident for life! Form of communication and documentation
- First fixed photograph was created by Joseph Niepce and was referred to as the heliograph
- Louis Daguerre created the Daguerrotype which was a result of experimenting with light sensitive paper
- William Talbot made the first image created from a negative called the calotype
- Abstraction, Cubism, and Pictoralism were important movements in the photographic world
- Photojournalism is big today: way to document and journal about life, create stories, and report news; REALITY
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