Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Performance Arts pg 115-134

Frederick Kiesler

  • attracted the attention of the police.
  • the modernity of his robot factory. 
  • The Berlin police were provoked into action by the back-projection equipment.
  • wrote in his essay that making use of complex apparatus such as lift aeroplane and film.
  • theatrical concept to create tension in space.
Bauhaus touring company

  • importance and encouragement were given the theatre
  • metal dance was reported in the Basler national Zeitung 
  • Dance in space 
  • opened in bare stage whose black floor was outlined
  • Dance of the stage wings consisted of a number of partitions 
Living art 
Black mountain College, North Carolina
  • Looking for an artist who can create a focal point for the diverse curriculum 
  • Combination of discipline and inventiveness 
  • Working croup composed all disciplines 
John Cage and Merce Cunningham
  • Beginning to make their own ides in small circles 
  • Studied fine arts 
  • The art of noises 
  • "ever smaller unit of a larger composition reflected as a microcosm 
  • Sixteen dances for soloist
Black Mountain College 
  • Cage and Cunningham had returned to Black mountain college 
  • Spectators took their seats in the square arena
New school
  • Despite its remote location and limited audience, news of the untitled event spread 
  • Some where painters and film makers
Live art
  • was the logical step from environments and assemblages
  • Red Grooms found inspiration for his paintings and performances 
18 happenings in 6 parts 
  • Earliest opportunities for a wider public
  • Lights were strung through the subdivided space
  • Spectators were warned to follow instructions 
More New York Happening 
  • 18 happenings was reflected in many other performances of the time
  • most artists developed their own practice 
  • Dancers developed innovations in New York
Yam and You
  • More performances programmes were organized in New York 
  • Performance concerts were held Carnegie Recital Hall
  • What is important is what the public itself takes away as a result of my images and the happenings

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