Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Performance Art pages 56-74

My notes are on pages 56-74 and it starts off with the Tzara reciting poetry and utilizing the theatrical technique of a chorus. The reading talks of a cabaret that demonstrates a microcosm of emotion within the human experience. Producere means to produce; in art one can produce emotion as well as artists. The cabaret proved to be a success and influenced many generations of performance art. The cabaret did not just stay in one culture but expanded onto other countries in one form or the other. The cabaret had inspired artists to evolve and create different methods to convey emotion; while displaying the power of their individual messages. the term absolute had become a vernacular used to describe dance, poetry, and art. The absolute meaning states that the minimum of impressions is enough to evoke unusual images. Eventually the cabaret began to lose popularity in the early 20th century. Dadism was introduced at the turn of the century and exhibited unusual practices to provoke thought and evoke emotion. Dada became so popular that people flocked from all over to experience the Dada revolution. Dada had started in Berlin, moved to Spain and New York, but inevitably lost popularity in Zurich.

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